Shirt Service

Shirt Cleaning Service

Leading a busy life and don’t have time to wash your professional shirts on a weekly basis? Get your laundry to Lincoln Laundromat and we can make sure that your shirts are perfectly washed, dried and pressed for a crease-free look. Showing up at work with a crumpled shirt is not an option but that doesn’t mean you have to handle your own shirts. Some of the advantages of using our professional shirt cleaning services are:

• Save time
You don’t have to spend Sunday evenings ironing out your shirts. Just drop off all the shirts that you need to have cleaned at our laundromat and we can have it ready to go by the evening. It’s that simple, all your shirts cleaned, pressed and folded to perfection in a matter of hours. 

• Maintain quality
When it comes to expensive shirts, cleaning the wrong way can cause damage easily. Finer materials are more delicate and one wrong move and the shirt could be damaged forever. Let the professionals handle your shirts and get them cleaned with ease. 

• Professional handling
You know that feeling when you have to do something that you absolutely hate? If this applies to you when it comes to cleaning your dress shirts, then you can just contact us. We have a professional shirt cleaning service to clean your shirts with precision, turning your crumpled mess into wrinkle-free smoothness.

• Look smart
Professionals know that they can’t go to work looking unkempt. They have to put effort into looking presentable and good shirts are a part of it. A smooth wrinkle-free shirt can seriously boost your image and you can get your shirts looking crisp and presentable with a visit to our laundromat. 

We are open 7 days a week so drop in anytime between 6am-9pm and we will assist you in getting your laundry done. Our store is fully staffed at all times, so customers don’t have to wait around in terms of questions and problems.
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